StretchLock - 55 layer nano stretch film

What is Nano Stretch Film?
Ultra thin, yet far stronger than conventional film.
New technology has been developed to manufacture very thin and extremely strong stretch film in 55 Nano Layers.
Nano film structures give the film a “plywood”effect, that enhances mechanical properties such as puncture and tear resistance – allowing for thinner pure metallocine PE layers.
How can Nano Stretch Film benefit you?
Due to the exceptional tensile strength and puncture resistance, you can apply up to half the amount of film that you normallly use – with better load containment.
StretchLock nano film can pre-stretch up to 400% (using the right equipement, such as Robopac stretch units).
Improved throughput at your wrapping station.
Wrap speed can be doubled. For example, a Rotating Arm wrapper can increase wrap speed from 25 to 60 rpm.
Using less film means fewer roll changes per day, reducing downtime.
Halve your film usage = halve packaging waste = halve your CO2 footprint.